Sunday, April 6, 2014

Last Week Flew By Already

Like so many folks who start with good intentions to keep up a blog; I am already behind. Perhaps it's spring. Have been out walking many mornings with a neighbor. Will post a couple photos of birds both alive and otherwise I've spotted at my home and on the rail trail in Bay City during these walks to at the very least keep the dust off this new blog. 

The first short story I was going to post has been redlined by me again to keep editing. Hard to get used to less being more when every word I write is a revelation of late.
 Not One or Two, but Three Robins of Spring!
What kind of dead bird is this? 
Looks like a gull or a magpie 
but has no white feathers, so I ruled out the magpie.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Was Told to Write a Book and Plan to Try a Blog First

Hello Fellow Readers: There are many reasons I've kept my writing personal since my youth. Not least of which is fear of mediocrity. Today, I finally found a blog name available this fine morning of my favorite holiday. April Fools fit right into my plans to stop sitting on the fence. More later.